and skin

PRP Treatment

Discover PRP treatments for hair restoration and skin rejuvenation, at 3D Medical Aesthetics. Experience the PRP treatments, that celebrities rely on, under our first-rate care. Get expert help with a treatment plan that fits your cosmetic goals and budget. Find out about how PRP might help you with hair loss, sagging skin, uneven skin tone, and more.  Pair PRP treatments with other innovative aesthetic procedures, like microneedling, for healthier skin. Schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our PRP experts today! Speak with a PRP expert at 3D Medical Aesthetics in Marina Bay, Quincy. 

What is PRP?

Experts at 3D Medical Aesthetics use PRP to treat hair loss and various skin conditions. PRP is a minimally-invasive, safe, and effective cosmetic treatment. PRP uses our body’s regenerative cells to promote natural healing and rejuvenation.

The PRP procedure uses a patient’s blood cells to create platelet-rich plasma. PRP is blood with a higher concentration of platelets than normal. The growth factors in the PRP help cells heal and regenerate faster. Because PRP treatments use patient’s blood, PRP is a safe and effective option to treat hair loss and aging skin. PRP does so by regulating inflammation, repairing blood vessels, and supporting collagen production. PRP reduces hair loss and stimulates hair regrowth, as it increases the hair growth phase. Wrinkles, sagging skin, and dark circles under the eyes are some of the skin conditions that PRP can treat. It improves skin texture and tone and enhances skin rejuvenation and health.

You may know about PRP treatments from celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, or Bar Refaeli. They enjoy the regenerative effects of PRP to provide a natural-looking lift to the face

Trusted by celebrities

No downtime

Safe & Non-Invasive

Longlasting result

Trusted by celebrities

No down-time

Safe & Non-Invasive

Long-lasting result

No. of sessions:

Depends on needs

Treatment time:

30-60 min

Discomfort level:



Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) can help with the following issues:

  • Hair Loss
  • Androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness)
  • Female pattern baldness
  • Dark Circles Under the Eyes
  • Acne Scarring
  • Skin Texture and Tone
  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Acne Scarring
  • Skin Laxity



You will have a complimentary consultation before the first PRP session. Make a list of your current medications and any questions for the clinician. During the consultation, the clinician will review your medical records for any contraindication. You will talk about the procedure and any risks. You will know about the healing process and the recommended treatment plan. The clinician will then provide instructions on how to prepare for treatment. This may include discontinuing certain medications, vitamins, or supplements before the treatment. Eating a nutritious meal before can help you avoid feeling lightheaded.


The PRP clinician draws a small sample of blood. The blood is then spined fast in a centrifuge to create the platelet-rich plasma. The PRP is then injected into the treatment area of the skin, such as the scalp or under the eye area. Clients report mild pressure during the PRP injections. To ensure your utmost comfort, the clinician may apply a numbing cream to the treatment area. Being in a calm environment and expert hands will help you feel at ease throughout the treatment.


Clients tolerate PRP treatment at 3D Medical Aesthetics well. It is important that you follow post-care instructions. To avoid infection, do not wash or rub the treated area right after the injections. The home-care regiment, your clinician creates for you, helps prolong the desired effects of your treatment.
Please note that every patient at X Medical Aesthetics is unique. The treatment protocol, recovery time, and results may vary. Please follow the guidance provided by your clinician. Also, communicate any concerns or questions you may have throughout the process.



Most frequent questions and answers

Our PRP specialists address hair restoration and skin rejuvenation with PRP therapy. The PRP stimulates collagen production and tissue regeneration, resulting in natural-looking aesthetic enhancements.

This depends on the aesthetic goals and individual response to treatment. Your treatment plan may consist of a series of treatments spaced several weeks apart to achieve the best results.

Individual results from PRP treatment may vary.  Many clients have noticed improvements within a few weeks after their PRP treatment. Others needed many treatments spaced out over several months for significant results. Your experienced clinician sets a realistic timeline based on your specific treatment plan.

PRP treatments may improve skin texture and tone, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and diminish dark circles under the eyes. PRP is a sought-after treatment for hair restoration, as well. Individual results may vary.

PRP is a minimally invasive procedure.  As PRP makes use of the patient’s blood, the risk of adverse reactions or allergies is minimal. Yet, as with any medical procedure, there may be some risks and potential side effects. Our PRP specialist assesses your individual risks based on your medical history.   

Our team prioritizes your comfort and safety throughout the PRP procedure. At 3D Medical Aesthetics, clients tolerate their PRP treatments well. Application of a topical numbing cream makes the treatment more comfortable.

PRP treatments may require minimal downtime. Most clients resume normal activities immediately after the procedure. Following post-treatment care instructions is important to minimize potential risks and side effects. You need to avoid washing the treated area for a specific period of time and sun exposure. Other specific guidelines provided by our PRP specialists may apply.

PRP treatments are administered or overseen by experienced medical professionals. Clients have 24/7 direct contact with their clinician for post-treatment care. Clients receive treatment in a private room and in a comfortable treatment chair. A soothing, relaxing environment and caring professionals make the experience most enjoyable. Our clinic in Marina Bay, Quincy, is close to Boston and very accessible. There is ample free parking and a shuttle to and from the North Quincy T.


High quality treatments


Returning customers


combined years of experience

Ready to meet your team?

Book an appointment to discuss your treatment and get you ready for enhancing your natural beauty.

Drop Us a Line, Call the Office, or Click the Online Scheduler to book a complimentary consultation. 

11th MAY, 2023
6PM - 8PM

We would love to have you join us at 3D Medical Aesthetics in Quincy, for our PRP Event. We will talk about PRP for hair loss, as well as skin rejuvenation with microneedling with PRP. There will be live demo and raffle prizes! Refreshments will be provided.  

Opening Hours

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